

What is Tokyo Shashinten and Paris Shashinten ?

Tokyo Shashinten and Paris Shashinten are events born out of the encounter and common project of Japanese and French photographers, showing and promoting black and white contemporary film photography outside of traditional exhibition channels. The idea is to reach out to people who don’t generally go to galleries to see photographic exhibitions.



Shashinten / Arnaud Lemorillon

Where will the events take place?

Ephemeral and random photo exhibits, slideshows and multimedia presentations will be projected onto walls in the streets of Tokyo and Paris.
The location of the next event will be marked on the map linked below


東京とパリの街で日ごとに異なる場所でランダムに行われます。写真の他にスライドショーとマルチメディア作品が街の壁面に投影されます。 次のイベントは下の地図に示されます。

Shashinten Map / Places and dates /

Shashinten / Arnaud Lemorillon

When will the events take place?

All year round, on this website, Shashinten will publish the dates and the places of the exhibitions and events.
The next open air exhibition in Tokyo will take place at the end of April 2024.
The next open air exhibition in Paris will take place at the end of June 2024.
Please visit the website soon for more info on the final dates.


開催時期は年間を通じて随時ランダムに開催されます。ShashintenのWebsiteの他、一般的なSNSで場所と日時がアナウンスされます。 次回の東京街頭イベントは2024年04月の終わりに計画されています。 次回のパリ街頭イベントは2024年06月の終わりに計画されています。 最終アナウンスと詳しい情報は Website でチェックして下さい。

Shashinten / Arnaud Lemorillon

Who are the photographers ?

Photographers presented by Shashinten are Arnaud Lemorillon and Makoto Katsuno.


パリ写真展の写真家は、Arnaud Lemorillon, Makoto Katsuno です。

Shashinten / Arnaud Lemorillon

Contact us

French and Japanese photographers wishing to participate in the events organized by Shashinten can contact us. They will be able to present their work to the photographers of the group who will then decide together about their integration into the project.

